Holidaying in and around Merano

The spa town of Merano – a new adventure every season

The Hotel Angelica is the perfect base for your holiday in and around Merano, where you can enjoy long sunny days and balmy summer evenings surrounded by palm trees and mountain peaks and choose from an extensive array of events and exhibitions. And when the multi-faceted Merano winter arrives, you can take a leisurely stroll around the town with a view over the snow-capped mountain peaks or head out on a trip to the snow-blanketed surrounding countryside.

Wandern Meraner Land
Biken Meran
Wanderungen Meran Umgebung
Texelbahn Partschins
Familienurlaub in Meran
Meran wandern
Bergsteigen Meraner Land
Summer activities
Die Gärten von Schloss Trauttmansdorff Meran
The Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle
Meran Therme
Therme Meran
Merano Spa
Skigebiet Meran 2000
Meran 2000 Rodelbahn
Wandern Meran 2000
Skigebiet Meran 2000
Skigebiet Meran 2000
Ski resort Merano 2000
Christkindlmarkt Meran Südtirol
Kurhaus Meran Südtirol
Advent in Meran Südtirol
Weihnachtsmarkt Meran Südtirol
Weihnachten in Meran
Merano Christmas market
We look forward to your inquiry